Information about compulsory internship

Details of the internship:

  • Regulation of the compulsory internship:
    • Education and Exam Regulations (TVSZ): 72.A § 
    • Important information: Without the completion of the compulsory internship, the university leaving certificate (absolutorium) cannot be issued, which is a pre-requirement for the final exam (see TVSZ 73 §) 
  • Duration: 6 weeks (240 hours)

  • Timing: any time during the curriculum (recommended: summer after the 2nd semester)

  • Place of the internship:
    • Internship can be carried out in any government or business organization / enterprise, in research and innovation projects where basic IT technology is used.
    • Students can complete compulsory internships at companies and institutions registered in Hungary, as well as at internship providers abroad. Contracts in English, German and Hungarian are available for students. 
    • The Career Office and our Department can provide help for students to find a place for the internship.

  • Short overview of the process
    1. Application for Neptun course: Please register for the subject GKNM_MSTA094 Professional practice in the semester, when you plan to complete your internship. If the internship is carried out in summer, plase take the subject next autumn. 
    2. Find a place for the internship and consult about the details with the company (timing, tasks, details of the place....).
    3. Ask for permission from the supervisor, Dr. István Harmati.
    4. Arrange signatures of the company on related contracts: Have the letter of intent and the cooperation agreement signed and stamped by the company and submit them in 2 original copies to the Career Office, they will arrange signature on behalf of the university.
    5. Complete the work.
    6. Complete the administration: 
      • In case of Hungarian students a survey must be filled in by the mentor and by the student.
      • Prepare and submit the internship report and a company certificate.
    7. Approval and registration of completion: The documents are approved by the supervisor and the administrator records the completion of internship in Neptun.
  • Details and administration:
    • For Hungarian students the administration is carried out on the website of the Career Office.
      Please follow the steps described here: Further information:

    • For international students the administration is carried out via the e-mail adress 
      Please follow the steps described here: (All official forms for contracting and certificate of completion can be downloaded here.)
      Please always ask for permission from the supervisor, István Harmati ( before the internship.
      Please send all related documents to the supetvisor via e-mail after the end of the internship (scanned version of the signed letter of intent and cooperation agreement, 5-10 pages report and company certificate). 
  • Requirements of the report: 
    • Content: During the internship, the student must prepare a report detailing the task assigned to him / her, presenting the work done, his / her working method and results, and describing the experience gained. The report must not contain confidential information.
    • Formal requirements: 5-10 A4 pages (incl. figures), 1.5 line spacing, with justified margins, Times New Roman CE font, size 12. The margins should be uniformly 2.5 cm at the bottom and top, right and left.

  • Contact information:
    • Career Office:
    • Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences 
      • Supervisor of the internship: Dr. István Harmati (
      • Administrator: Szilvia Hegyi  (