HiDALGO - simulation of urban air pollution (2018-2022)


HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems - Urban Air Pollution Pilot
For further details please visit the website of the project

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MSO4SC (2016-2018)


Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization for Societal Challenges with Scientific Computing 
For the details of the project please visit https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/731063.

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EFOP 3.6.2. HU-MATHS-IN project (2017-2021)

EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015 project

The consortium of three universities, Széchenyi István University, University of Szeged and University of Debrecen participated in the project EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015 with the aim of deepening and developing the activities of HU-MATHS-IN. The leader of the consortium and the beneficiary of the project was Széchenyi István University.

The project helped to build the institutional organisation and operation of HU-MATHS-IN and contributed to the targeted and efficient development of mathematical methods and to the exploitation of the results in industrial, in particular international R+D+I projects.
The contracted amount of funding was HUF 1 389 996 580 HUF, with a 100% funding rate. The project ended on 31. 03. 2021.
The project has been supported by the European Union. 

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FIEK - Industrial Mathematics subproject (2016-2021)

GINOP-2.3.4-15-2016-00003 Felsőoktatási és Ipari Együttműködési Központ (FIEK)
Centre for University and Industrial Cooperation

Today, technology based on mathematical modelling, simulation and optimisation and related statistical learning algorithms (Artificial Intelligence, AI) is one of the key technologies in industry. The Industrial Mathematics (IM) sub-project aims to transfer this technology to both multinational and small and medium-sized industrial companies, building on its own cutting-edge international research projects and on the results of European industrial mathematics groups.


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