Smart-City: Air pollution 3D modelling

Research of utilization possibilities of computational simulation and optimalization of IKT systems supporting SmartCity-Smart Transport conception - SZE JKK project 2.2 R&D research group. TÁMOP 4.2.2/C project

  • Period: 2012-2014.
  • Project leader: Dr. Zoltán Horváth PhD, full professor, +36 96 613-657,
  • Research area: The main research topic of the group is the simulation of air pollution dispersion caused by urban traffic emission using 3D models; like CAD models of buildings. Most important results include a multidisciplinary effort with a successfully implemented time dependent simulation of vehicular traffic, NOx emission, 3D air convection and pollution dispersion applied on the city of Győr.

Short description of the project: