Simulation and Optimization Seminars
The Research Center of Vehicle Industry and the Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences of the Széchenyi István University has started the seminar series of Simulation and Optimization. We plan to organize one lecutre each month, where Hungarian and international researchers give a presentation about their research results in the field of applied mathematics, numerical mathematics, numerical methods, optimization and scientific computing.
Further information please contact Rozalia Varga at
Date | Lecturer | Title | Location |
2012.11.19. 11:00 | Thomee, Vidar Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg |
On positivity preservation in the finite element method for the heat equation | VIP terem |
2012.11.20. 13:00 | Knepley, Matthew University of Chicago, Chicago |
Scientific Computing from a Library Point-of-View | JKK ovális terem |
2012.11.22. 13:00 | Brown, Jed Argonne National Laboratory, Chichago |
Towards high throughput composable multilevel solvers for implicit multiphysics simulation | JKK orvális terem |
2012.11.29. 13:30 | Csendes Tibor Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szeged |
Industrial applications of optimization | JKK előadóterem |
2012.12.13. 13:30 | Haase, Gundolf Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz |
HPC and Mathematics in Applications | JKK előadóterem |
2013. 01. 21. 11:00 | Fuhrmann, Jürgen Weierstrass Institute, Berlin |
Voronoi box based finite volume methods: advantages and challenges | JKK előadóterem |
2013.01.21. 12:00 | Linke, Alexander Weierstrass Institute, Berlin |
On Robust Discretizations for Coupled Flow Problems | JKK előadóterem |
2013.01.29. 12:30 |
Vasily N. Denisov Moscow State University, Moscow |
On the Stabilization Conditions for the Solutions of the Cauchy Problem | JKK előadóterem |
2013.03.12-14. 9:00-16:00 |
Mehrmann, Volker |
Differential-Algebraic Equations. Control and Numerics | JKK előadóterem |
2013.04.09. 11:00 |
Markót Mihály |
A COCONUT optimalizálási környezet | JKK előadóterem |
2013.04.18-19. |
Weiner, Rüdiger Podhaisky, Helmut |
Numerical methods for differential equations and software | JKK előadóterem |
2013.05.14-24. |
Pintér János Pinter Consulting Services, Inc., Canada |
Global Optimization - Model Development, Algorithms, Software, and Applications | JKK előadóterem |
2013.05.23. 10:00 | Schipp Ferenc Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest |
JKK előadóterem | |
2013.06.20. 10:00 | Terlaky Tamás Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA |
Convex Sets as Invariant Sets for Linear Systems | JKK előadóterem |