Short summary of the process:
- Choose a topic and a supervisor for your thesis. Please see some recommended topics here.
- Apply for the topic. Submit the Task description page (and if the thesis will be confidential, also the Documentation for confidential thesis).
Deadline for those, who wish to take Thesis Consultation course in 2025/26/1 semester: 27th June 2025. - Write your thesis. Follow the instructions described in the Thesis preparation guide.
- Submit the thesis and necessary annexes by the deadline via the website of the library.
Deadline for those, who wish to submit their thesis 2024/25/2 semester: 16th May 2025 (Friday), 12:00 AM - Evalutation will be provided before the final exam.
- Thesis defence must be held in front of the Final Exam Committee.
- For the regulations on thesis please see the TVSZ (Education and Exam Regulations): 74§-78/A§.
- Formal reqirements of the thesis can be found in our Thesis preparation guide.
Detailed process and technical information:
- Please consult with your teachers to find a topic for your thesis. Please find our recommended topics here.
- Choose a topic and a supervisor (and an external supervisor).
- The following documents are to be submitted at the Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences until 27th June 2025.
- Download all documents for application:
- Task description page of the diploma thesis
- Documentation for confidential thesis (if the thesis will be declared confidential)
- After these documents are filled in, signed and submitted, the subject “Thesis consultation” will be available in the Neptun system with the name of your supervisor, and you must take it up when you choose subjects for the semester.
- Download all documents for application:
Working on the thesis and consultation
- Please follow the instructions of the Thesis preparation guide.
- Please make sure to consult regularly with your internal and external consultant. Consultations are to be logged on the Consultation form.
- If you have any question regarding the services of the library, please contact the librarians:
- For Hungarian students:
- For international students:
Deadline of submission
16th May 2025 (Friday), 12:00 AM
Information on submission
- The submission is possible only after Consultation form (Annex 7) is signed by both the internal and external consultant.
Annex 7 must be submitted in original at the Department (office C605). - The thesis file must contain following annexes: title page --> (declaration of confidentiality, if needed) --> task description page --> student declaration --> abstract
- See the example document here: in Word and in Latex.
- On the title page please replace the information in the brackets: title, name of the internal and external advisors, your name and please update the year.
- Task description page of the diploma thesis (signed version must be scanned and inserted as an image into the thesis file)
- Student declaration (Annex 18) (signed version must be scanned and inserted as an image into the thesis file)
- One electronical copy must be submitted via the library’s website:
- For Hungarian students:
- For international students:
- On the link above you can find the guide and all information on how to upload the thesis and a guide for Turnitin plagiarism checker.
If you have any technical issue, please contact the Department’s administrator. - Important information for confidential diploma thesis: signed and stamped confidentiality documents must be uploaded as pdf annex into the library's system.
- Optionally, you may bring a printed copy to the Final Exam, we will give it back to you after the exam.
An external examiner will evaluate the thesis using Annex 9 (Thesis Evaluation Form).
The evaluation will be uploaded to Neptun.
You can find the file at:
- Studies > Thesis > grey + sign at the right > More > View evalutation
Thesis defence
The thesis must be presented and defended before the Final Examination Board during the Final exam.
- The defence of the thesis has to reveal whether candidates themselves have prepared the work or not.
- The student presents his/her work and results to the Final Examination Board in 15 minutes.
- The candidate must answer the questions and critique he/she has received in the report of the external examiner, and the questions, that the Final Examination Board has (Q&A is 5 minutes long)
- Thesis is assessed by the Final Examination Board on a five-scale grade.
Information on Final exam and the exam topics can be found here: link